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Thinking About Replacing Your Old Window?

Many situations cause homeowners to consider replacing one or more windows. Energy efficiency is certainly a factor for many, especially with heating and cooling costs rising significantly in many parts of the country. Other people simply want to give their home a new, more updated look.

If wood rot is a factor, homeowners should waste no time replacing any affected windows and the wood around them. Moisture will continue to do more damage and the repair needs will grow more serious with time.

For those thinking about replacing a window, countless options are now available. If you’re replacing just one unit, it will be important to find one that closely matches the other windows in your home. If that isn’t possible, as might be the case with an older home that still has its original windows, consider replacing all the windows on that side of the house, particularly if the affected window is on the side that faces the street.

If you make the decision to replace a window, even if it’s just one, try to get the most energy-efficient model you can afford. One new window won’t make a dent in your heating bills, but why not make a start?